Sport Ladder
Sport Ladder is a mini-contest where consistency is key! Unlike freestyles, in Sport Ladder each contestant must complete a series of compulsory tricks of increasing difficulty. The contestant who completes the most tricks most consistently wins. See below for trick list and rules.
This is a non-championship event. Anyone can participate by registering at the CANYA table before 12:30PM. See schedule.
Trick list
- Double or nothing
- Ninja Vanish
- 1.0 hook
- Brent Stole
- Green Triangle suicide (any entry into GT)
- 1.5 hook
- One hand bind (throw and bind - any variation without using NTH)
- DNA bind (yoyo horizontal with DNA pointing up)
- 2.0 hook
- One hand regeneration and bind (throw, bind, regenerate, bind - any variation without using NTH)
- 2.5 hook
- 3.0 hook
(NTH = Non throw hand)
- For each trick, each contestant has three attempts:
- Landing on the first attempt is worth 5 points
- Landing on the second attempt is worth 2 points
- Landing on the third attempt is worth 1 point
- Missing all three attempts results in a zero
- After a contestant scores a zero, the contestant cannot remain on stage. However this does not mean a loss, depending on final score.
- Ladder continues until either all contestants are out, or all remaining contestants have completed the ladder. The contestant with the highest score wins.
- Tie breaker: Hook ladder sudden death. All remaining contestants take turns to attempt hooks starting from 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and so on.
- Showmanship does not count. If variations are allowed, the trick may consist of nothing more than the required element(s).
- Keep in mind the number of ATTEMPTS is not the number of THROWS. A contestant may, intentionally or otherwise, attempt more than once with one throw.
- Contestants can use whichever yoyo is optimal for each trick. Contestants are allowed to switch, adjust, or maintain yoyos between attempts.
- After successfully completing the required trick element, misses are tolerated. Missed binds at the end are tolerated unless the bind is a required element.